Mesenteric-based surgery has been practiced internationally for over a century. However, it is not yet universally practiced, and considerable variations exist. Such variations are explained by the historical disparity that has persisted between anatomic and surgical approaches to the intestine. While mesenteric-based surgery is far from new, it is remarkable that its anatomic basis has only recently been formally described. This means that the principles can now be clearly taught, and conducted, in an entirely standardized manner.
This book is composed of two parts. In the first part, the mesentery, peritoneum, and associated fascia are characterized. In the second part, this data is applied to all aspects of re-sectional colorectal surgery. In this new book surgical anatomy, activities, and operations are carefully defined ,and beautifully illustrated, to enable all surgeons to conduct mesenteric-based surgery.
The Authors
J Calvin Coffey B.Sc (Hons), B.MedSci., MB., PhD., AFRCSI, FRCSI
Professor of Surgery, University of Limerick, Ireland
Ian Lavery MD
Department of Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA
Rishabh Sehgal MB, BCh, MD, MRCSI
Department of Surgery, University of Limerick, Ireland
Dara Walsh, Medical Illustrator
University of Limerick, Ireland